We believe that everyone has something unique to offer. We offer a variety of ministries and programs designed to help you grow in your faith and explore new possibilities.
Lent comes from an older word meaning “to lengthen”. As we enter spring the days are lengthening. Coincidentally, this year the first Sunday in Lent is the same day that we start Daylight Savings Time, March 9. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts for 40 days until Easter. Anyone counting, however, will note that Easter is actually 46 days from Ash Wednesday. That is because the six Sundays in Lent do not count. Sunday is always a day of celebration of the Resurrection and is therefore not a time of fasting.
Lent is a time for fasting, repentance, and self-denial as we walk the way of the cross with Jesus. We discipline ourselves in a culture of over consumption, we turn away from self-absorption, and we turn toward the welfare of other others.
Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, the day that recalls Jesus entry into Jerusalem and swiftly moves through Maundy Thursday where Jesus had his last supper with his followers, arrest during the night, crucifixion on Good Friday, burial, and Resurrection.
We share bread and wine at Holy Communion every Sunday at ten a.m. Then we have a Coffee Hour after to get to know one another and to enjoy good food. The first Sunday of each month is a Pot Luck Lunch. People are invited to bring a favorite dish, chips, fruit, or anything else that they would like to share.
Each week folk bring canned and boxed non-perishable food to donate to the FISH food pantry. We also support FISH through our mission giving to assist with buying food for the pantry at discounted rates and to help our neighbors in other ways. Learn more about FISH here.
Fill out your connect card, join us in prayer, or make a gift.
Here you’ll find swipe cards for the ongoing ministries in your church. Connect these cards to signup Flows, Info Cards, or other pages you create if needed!
Sunday School for elementary ages is held every Sunday at 10 am in the Parish Hall. The young folk learn about the Bible and the Christian faith. They join the adults at offertory time in the church so that they can participate in the Christian Family meal of Holy Communion.